Sending Whatsapp Messages to yourself

Hey Heroes!

Whatsapp is a tool that is widely used, and with the amount of texting going on, with colleagues, customers and family members, you must have come across information that you wanted to save, store or have as a reminder for later.

Besides using the favorites function on messages, you can send yourself messages to store them under a single conversation. Why would you want to do that? essentially, for:

  1. Transferring media (videos, images, voice notes) from your phone to your computer without using cables or sending yourself emails. This by opening your whatsapp on the Web or Desktop version and downloading the media on your computer.

  2. Writing yourself notes for things to do later

  3. Testing how a message will be received. If you share facebook/instagram/video links, use gifs or stickers or just a larger text with emphasis characters, you can send to yourself and test how the other person will view it.

  4. Testing catalogue sharing (for Whatsapp Business)

  5. Store shared links. Think putting links you find interesting or you want to open or share later in a single place, without saving them in the browser.

How do we do this then?

We have 2 ways:

  1. Save yourself as a contact on your phone. Depending on the operating system of your phone, you will be available to add your number as a contact in your contact list and Whatsapp will recognize it. If this is available to you, save your name as a contact and it should appear on your whatsapp contact list available to chat (note that in some cases, the contact will appear as β€œMe”)

  2. Create a Whatsapp Group for yourself. From the Whatsapp or WB app, create a new group. Assign a name (could be self-message), add one of your contacts (a group requires minimum 2 contacts to be created) and finish the group creation. After this is done, remove your additional contact and the group will only have you as a member.

Do you already use this tip? Please comment below 😊

PRO TIP: If the item you want to save was received in a whatsapp chat our group, mark it as favorite to quickly store it for future reference.

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