FREE Self Awareness Tests

  • The Enneagram is a map of the human mind that helps to clearly explain how people are and how they relate to others. Through 9 types, it represents the types of personality, traits, virtues, defects and psychological tendencies. PROTIP: after finishing the test, scroll down to view your result. You don’t have to sign up for the service #Personality (focus on thoughts)

  • The VIA Survey is the world's only free scientific survey of character strengths. Character strengths are the positive parts of your personality that impact how you think, feel, and behave. Scientists have identified 24 character strengths that you have the ability to express. By taking the VIA Survey, you will discover your unique profile of character strengths. #Strengths

  • Based on the Big Five Personality Traits, taking the Myers-Briggs model, this test measures:

    -Openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious)

    -Conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless)

    -Extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. reclusive/reserved)

    -Kindness (friendly/compassionate vs. critical/rational)

    -Neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. resistant/confident)

    #Personality (focus on actions)

These Free Tests will give you an excellent first idea of where to start to get to know yourself better. 100% recommended.

Use these sources of self-knowledge to leverage your personal and professional growth, with different perspectives: personality, values, motivators, skills, behaviors, and strengths of character.

Want to get to know yourself better?

Want to UNLOCK your BEST SELF?

The TOP investment in your Self Awareness Journey

What is the ADV?

¿Have you heard of the DISC or taken that test in the past? Here is the turbo charged version. The ADVanced Insights is a unique report of 71-74 pages that combines 4 tests in one: DISC + Motivators + Decision Making Process + Talent Development. It is EXACTLY what you need! This report will show you what are your visible behaviours, semi-observable behaviours, motivators and talents, giving you a complete 360 vision of what makes you tick and where your strengths lie. With this info on hand, you will be able to understand yourself better and discern how to approach your growth opportunities both in business and in life with more clarity and confidence. The best part? It is cheaper than 4 MacDonald’s meals. How much you value your growth and development?

What you will learn:

  • WHAT are your natural Talents?

  • WHY are you motivated to use them?

  • HOW you prefer to use them and display them?

  • To recognize the situations that make you successful, enabling you to find ways to reach goals that adjust to your behavioural style.

  • To understand your limitations and where you are not effective, empowering you to understand where not to go and how to act.

  • To realize your natural behavior preferences, making it more likely for you to look for the right opportunities, in the right time, in the right way.

You have your results already? You can schedule a Feedback Session only

What goes into this feedback Session?

If you already have access to a report, be it the ADV or DISC, you can schedule a feedback session with us.

During the session, we will analyze your results and explain the differences between the different components, giving you a more assertive way of interpreting your results so that you have a reference of where you are and what areas you need to pay attention to.

You do not need to do the test with us, we offer professional feedback/interpretation of results if you already have your results on hand! Schedule your interpretation now.


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Don’t know where to start?

Download a copy of our FREE ebook. With this content you will know which competencies you have and which ones you need to develop. Start your journey today!