Make Whatsapp calls on your computer using Whatsapp Desktop

Hello Heroes!

Today I will be sharing about WhatsApp. Everyone uses it on a day to day basis: we use for work, we use it for personal stuff but most of all it has become one of the main tools for communication and with the release of WhatsApp for business now we can even use it to promote our business and to simplify the way that we interact with customers.

Most of the people that use WhatsApp are used to using it either on their phones or they use it on WhatsApp web. Now what's the problem or disadvantage of using WhatsApp web? Well what happens is that we have to go to the Internet browser every time that we to see a message or send one and that means that we have to be alternating between tabs, not only between different programs but also tabs within the browser.

And if we miss a sound notification when you're not using headphones then it's a little bit more difficult to know that you've got a pending notification in that specific WhatsApp instance. Also, if you receive or want to make a call to a WhatsApp contact, then you have to pick up your phone and take the call on it. If you are like me and you work with your headphones in all the time, it can be a hassle to take them off or switch them from your computer to your phone to take the call.

What if I told you you don’t have to do this anymore? The solution: WhatsApp Desktop Client. In its current version, WhatsApp desktop allows you to make and receive calls within WhatsApp , including videocalls (using your webcam), while at the same time attach and download pictures, send voice notes and the other functionalities you get with WhatsApp web. For me, being able to take the calls from my computer without having to shift attention to my phone is a game changer!

Now, depending on the security setup of your company, you might not be able to install external software. You may say: but my employer does not allow me to install programs so I cannot download the WhatsApp client an install it on my computer! Well, most security setups DO allow for minor programs like this one to be installed even if you have restrictions to install more powerful software.

If you really would like to use this tip to communicate with customers more easily, first of all I would I would I would suggest that you talk to your IT department or the team in charge of your IT security and request for permission. In most places customers are used to texting more and call via WhatsApp more so in reality it has become also a tool for the job and a taking advantage of it fully can make us more productive.

If you cannot get the permission to install this then there is a work around if you want to be able to use the WhatsApp desktop version even if you have security rights issues: it's called a portable app. there are some sites that pack different apps in a portable format. That means that it is self-contained: if you double click this portable app it will run in its own environment without having to install anything on your computer. If you want to get rid of the app then you just delete the folder and then you don't have to uninstall anything. Since this app is not installed, you can still run it without violating any kind of security measures that your company has put in place.

Here you can find some links to download resources:  

Download Whatsapp Desktop Here

Download Whatsapp Desktop Portable Here

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PRO Tip: Looking for portable apps? Google the name of the app in quotes and then the word “portable” and you should come up with different links where you can download the portable app.


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