How to SELECTIVELY share your Calendar Details with your Boss or Teammates

Hello Heroes!

Do you usually share what your schedule is for the day with your boss or your team mates? Do you use shared calendars but lose track of who has access to see what?

Let's say that we are trying to convert an email that we received into a meeting. The easiest way to do this is to use the button of reply with meeting.

Once we click reply with meeting, we will have the same people that are in the email chain as attendees and we can select those contacts and mark them as either optional or required. If we click on the scheduling assistant then we will be able to see what are the free times of the attendees.

If the attendees use Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft 365 we will be able to see their calendar slots (just if they are free or busy). If they don't then we will not be able to see their information.

What if you would like your teammates or direct manager to see what are the details of your appointments and not just if you are free or busy?

If you would like the members of your team to have additional details of your calendar, you can add this option directly from outlook. To do this you can go to file -> options -> calendar

In the calendar options section, you can click on free/busy options. In here you will see “my organization” and you can select all the permission levels. You can add staff members or groups, and you can select different permission levels for the groups added. If you so desire, you can have your direct supervisor be able to see all of the details in your calendar where the rest of your organization can only see when you are busy.

Once you have this set up, the people you have selected with the permission levels will be able to see the details when they use the scheduling assistant to send you a meeting invite. Otherwise, people will only be able to see if you are free or busy.

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