How to use your Microsoft Onedrive to work from anywhere and any device

Hi Heroes!

We all know that our beloved Microsoft OneDrive allows us to upload, download and share any file that is saved into it.

What most people don't quite realize is that MS OneDrive allows automatic backup of documents, meaning you can access them from anywhere on any device! Files are automatically saved with different versions, which makes sure you can pick up where you left off. Documents are also available offline, which means that whenever your device doesn't have internet access, it will still allow you to work on the files you need. What's more, sharing with MS OneDrive is extremely easy and can be done by anyone, even those who don't own an account.

And the cherry on top, keeping your documents online on OneDrive opens the possibility for Team Collaboration in Office 365.

How to use MS OneDrive to backup your documents and access them anywhere?

1. Create account. Login

2. Set up automatic upload of documents to OneDrive

                a) Download and install MS Onedrive on your PC or Mac

                b) Sign in with Microsoft Onedrive account (you can use a business account or a personal account. The difference is the available storage)

                c)Enable automatic backup for all files you create so you always have a copy in OneDrive

You can also backup your picture, music and video from PC

To access files offline, go to the OneDrive settings and enable "Make all files available offline" tab or right click on each file you want offline and select the option "make available offline".

After this, you can access the OneDrive app from any device (computer, tablet, cellphone) and have access to the documents that have already been uploaded, as well as any past versions.

Happy sharing!


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