Don't Lose Emails: How to Save Them in Folders Locally and in OneDrive

Hi there Heroes!

It's easy to lose track of important emails, especially when they contain attachments or important information. That's why it's so important to save them in folders on your computer and in OneDrive. In this blog post, we will talk about how to do that, and why it's important. We'll also discuss some tips for keeping your email inbox organized.

When you save emails in folders in your computer, it's easy to find them later. You can search for a specific email by name, or you can browse through the folders to find what you're looking for. This is especially helpful when you need to access an attachment or reference from an email. You can save your emails in folders inside Outlook, yes, but what I am talking about in here is to not rely on MS Outlook as your only source to store sensitive and important data! Your best bet? Saving important emails as files within your computer or your MS OneDrive.

There are a few different ways to save emails in folders on your computer. One way is to create a folder on your desktop, and then drag and drop the emails into the folder. Another way is to right-click on an email and select "Save As." This will open a window where you can choose where to save the file. You can save it in a folder on your computer, or you can save it to OneDrive.

If you're using Outlook 2016, MS365 or above, there's an easy way to save emails in folders without having to create them manually. In Outlook, go to the "File" tab and select "Save As." This will open a window where you can choose where to save the file.

Saving emails in folders on your computer and in OneDrive is especially helpful when you need to access an attachment or reference from an email. By using both methods, you can make sure that your data is always safe and easy to find. (Or you can save them on your computer while making sure your OneDrive automatically backsup your documents)

As a bonus tip, remember that the subject in the email will not change even if the name of the file is different. You can use this information to change the name of the file to whatever naming convention you find useful to remember the content in the future. Once you double click on the file, it will open the email using your default email app and the subject will remain the same.

Do you have any tips for keeping your email inbox organized? Share them in the comments below!


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