Accelerate Your Business Success: Gain an Edge with Tailored Leadership Coaching & Training for Enhanced Competitive Advantage

Unleash your true leadership potential with P3 | Coaching & Training. Our high-level training programs, masterclasses, workshops, and personalized coaching are meticulously designed to rapidly develop your leadership competencies and equip you with productivity tools that will make you stand out as a consummate professional in the business realm. From downloadable content to customized programs tailored to your unique needs, we provide you with everything necessary for exponential growth as a business person and the attainment of exceptional results through your team. Start your transformative journey today!

Top-tier Leadership
Guide your team to their highest productivity level and deliver exceptional results
Unlock your Potential
Increase your awareness and self-knowledge by using your unique competencies to excel and exceed expectations
Ultimate Productivity
Apply curated tips and hacks to create better results with less resources in record time

These situations ring a bell?

Constant and unnecessary conflicts with and among your tem

You have a good team, but your vision wants them to be great and more productive

Desire for business growth but no clue on how to position yourself

You have limited resources to generate results and time is not enough

Your current business situation and your team results could be better but you don’t know how to kick-start the process

Company results depend on you and you need to find an edge to boost your success

It's time to take your leadership skills to new heights. You deserve access to transformative tools that will unleash your potential and amplify your productivity.

“Working with P3 set a before and after in how to manage people and business for me” - Carlos Guadamuz, Executive Director | The Hague Peace Projects

90% of our corporate customers report a significant and cuantificable improvement in their leadership competencies, as well as their technical applied skills. 98% of the teams that have immersed in our technical competence development courses report an increase in their productivity and higher efficiency in their work routines and internal communication.


Hours of trainings & coaching imparted


Customers on technical skill trainings | Online Courses


Businesses serviced with customised training programs

Coaching 1-ON-1

For C-level Executives and Owners in international companies

Nestor Reyes | Leadership & Productivity Coach

"A boss gets results. A Leader multiplies them exponentially"

Entrepreneur, Solutions Professional, Data Analyst, Business Economist, MBA in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Master Coach, Consultant, Advisor, Project Manager, and Implementer of Multilevel Strategies at an International Scale.

Are you looking for someone who can guide you through the intricate path of business success? You need a multi-talented expert with an extensive skill set across various domains. With a rich background in entrepreneurship, data analysis, and strategic project management, I specialise in empowering individuals and organizations in their quest for knowledge, efficient tools, and resource optimization.

Unlocking potential and driving growth through innovative solutions is my passion. With over 15 years of experience, I have consistently demonstrated dedication and a relentless pursuit of excellence in every company I've worked with. However, my commitment goes beyond personal achievements; I am driven by the desire to empower entire teams by sharing my knowledge and enabling them to achieve more with less.

Being resourceful is not just desirable, it is critical in today's world.

Productivity has always been a central theme in my professional life, driving not only rapid career progression but also sparking various successful entrepreneurial ventures I have undertaken thus far.

Having lived and worked in diverse countries and regions such as Central America, South America, Southeast Asia, Greater China, and Oceania, I have successfully assimilated cultural and work style differences to bring fresh and positive perspectives to my daily endeavors. Within organizations, I have positioned myself by adding value, knowledge, and productivity. I have established and led high-performing teams that have made a significant impact across different areas, transforming the performance of the companies.

As a specialized Business and Leadership Coach, my aim is to empower others in achieving their goals in the most practical and direct manner possible.

Can I do this for you?

I have always believed that being competitive is excellent, but for fair competition, we need equal access to resources and tools.

My life's purpose is to share my expertise and help individuals become the best possible versions of themselves, whether through technical knowledge, information about technology and tools, or coaching sessions to guide them towards their desired destinations.

Every new challenge I encounter leads me to the same question: how can we make it more practical and faster, but also more humane?

Regardless of how I can support you, I guarantee this: you will be at least 1% better than before we connected.

Learn more about how I can help you transform your business landscape, navigate challenges, and harness the power of knowledge for sustainable success. Explore our blog and programs for further readings, insightful articles, and expert recommendations on entrepreneurship, Successful leadership, and efficient resource management.

Please always remember: Feel good. Do good. Be good.

P3 Empowers you to be a more efficient Leader and a more practical executive

  • Tests & assessments to improve your self-knowledge. So you know what you have and where you stand, a north to where to start.

  • Masterclases designed to empower you with the critical competencies to become a successful Leader.

  • Customized Programs on Executive Coaching - to improve your team Dynamics, accelerate the team development stages and nurture and release the best from all your team members.

  • Online and Live Courses with practical skills to improve your productivity and automate repetitive tasks.

  • Personalized Coaching & Mentorship in Data Analysis, Business Strategy and constructing achievable objectives.

Give yourself the chance to start today

Tests for Self-Awereness

  • Sources of self-knowledge that will leverage your personal and professional growth

  • Different perspectives: personality, values, motivators, competencies, behaviors and character strengths

  • You can use them to improve your CV, better understand what works and what doesn't work for you and why you act the way you do

  • Learn what to focus on and what you are most efficient at

Online Courses

  • Practical online courses designed to help you master your time

  • Be more efficient and produce more with fewer resources

  • Reduce repetitive tasks

  • Create more time for strategizing and less time for mechanical tasks

  • Customized programs for specific technical competencies and skills

Coaching Training Programs

  • Growing Leaders - Essentials competencies for Leaders in development

  • Leadership Academy - High-level competencies for Leadership teams, that will guarantee synergy and performance like never before

  • C-Level Coaching - 1 on 1 sessions to reach your personal objectives as an Executive for any business venture

Don’t know where to start?

Download a copy of our FREE ebook. With this content you will know which competencies you have and which ones you need to develop. Start your journey today!